Hit the Road: Tips for a Safe and Enjoyable Road Trip with Pets

Hit the Road: Tips for a Safe and Enjoyable Road Trip with Pets

The festive season is upon us, and what better way to celebrate than embarking on a road trip with your beloved pets? They make the best co-pilots!

Whether you're accompanied by your dog or smaller pet we've got the tips to ensure everyone enjoys the journey.

1. Preparing for the Road:

Before hitting the road, make sure your pet is comfortable with short rides. Gradually increase the time spent in the car to reduce anxiety.

For dogs, consider using a harness or crate for safety, and for small pets, secure their carriers/tanks to prevent unnecessary movement.

2. Combatting Nausea:

Motion sickness can affect pets too. To prevent nausea, avoid feeding them right before the trip. Give them a light meal a few hours before departure and give them time to digest their food before hitting the road. 

For dogs prone to anxiety, consider natural remedies or consult your vet for suitable medications.

3. Comfort is Key:

Create a familiar and cosy space for your pets. Pack their favourite toys and blankets, and for fish, ensure their tank is securely positioned to prevent spills. Frequent stops allow everyone to stretch their legs (or fins) and get some fresh air.

[CALL OUT FACT: Pack their favourite toys, blankies, bowls and beds so that once you reach your destination they have all the comforts of home]

4. Hydration and Snacks:

Keep your pets well-hydrated, especially in our warmer climate. Bring along a portable water bowl for dogs and ensure small pets have access to water. Pack their favourite snacks to keep them content during the journey. For your finned friends make sure someone is on hand to feed them at regular intervals.

[CALL OUT FACT: Have your pet's usual food available. Suddenly swapping your pet’s food could lead to tummy troubles.]

5. Safety First:

For dogs, secure them with a seatbelt harness or use a travel crate. Small pets should travel in a well-ventilated carrier. Ensure your fish tank is properly sealed to prevent water spillage.






Made for comfort with reflective material for night-time visibility, this harness is perfect for travelling and adds some extra safety for any night-time travel.




6. Accommodations with Pet-Friendly Amenities:

Choose pet-friendly accommodations that offer amenities like designated pet areas or nearby parks. Check in advance for any additional fees or restrictions. Don’t assume that just because you’re taking your fish instead of a St. Bernard you can simply book into any establishment. No. Many hotels and resorts have strict pet policies, and you need to confirm that non-human family members are welcome and catered for.

7. Plan Pet-Friendly Activities:

Research pet-friendly attractions and activities along your route. Whether it's a dog-friendly beach or a cosy spot for your small pets, include stops that cater to their needs.

[CALL OUT FACT: Stop every 25-30km and let your pets have a quick walk around on their leash] 

8. Vet Check Before Departure:

Schedule a pre-travel vet check to ensure your pets are in good health. Update vaccinations and carry a copy of their medical records. For fish, ensure the water conditions are suitable for travel and that they don’t have any illnesses. 

Travelling with pets during the festive season can be a memorable experience for both you and your animal companions. By planning ahead, considering their comfort, and incorporating pet-friendly activities, you'll create lasting memories on the open road.

Safe travels and happy holidays!